Trustless Cross-Chain Technology
The software behind TBaaS and everything else CryptoLink does.
One-of-a-kind trustless and instant cross-chain messaging technology is the keystone of everything that CryptoLink has to offer. It allows for secure and instant verification of signals from chain-to-chain. These signals could be anything from Burn and Mint functions to messages on the blockchain. This software offers endless cross-chain possibilities when realized, this is why CryptoLink is offering it as a service with TBaaS.
For example:
CryptoLink's $PAPER token is a TBaaS client. The software is able to verify that a token has been burned on the source chain, and subsequently mint the exact same amount of tokens on the destination chain, instantly. Essentially, the ecosystem that CryptoLink has built out using it's own SaaS is one of the client use-cases of what TBaaS is capable of, demonstrated by themselves.
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