Benefits of being Cross-Chain
Here's some general benefits to being cross-chain:
Risk Mitigation
Having your project's token reside on only a single blockchain poses potential risks: What if the blockchain fails? What if there's a negative press event or an exploit? Network outage? The price of the blockchain's native token will decrease and drag your token's price with it. These events are typically outside the control of any one given project. How can a project protect themselves? Answer: Being cross-chain. How? Because of Cross-Chain Arbitrage. (See Profit Via Arbitrage).
Additional Exposure to Upwards Markets
To complement Risk Mitigation, being cross-chain also allows projects to gain additional exposure to other blockchains. Using a similar example as in "Risk Mitigation", If there's a few blockchains that your team is bullish on, why not have exposure to all of them? If one of those tokens becomes the next "winner" in the bull-run, your projects token will gain value with the rising blockchain native token. And cross-chain arbitrage will inflate your token's price across every chain your project is on. By being on one winning chain, your token across all chains wins.
Additional Markets
Investors generally tend to stick with only a few blockchains. This means that each individual blockchain has silos of untapped investors. If a project is looking to market themselves more effectively -- every chain they expand to unlocks more potential investors.
Profit Via Arbitrage + Token Price Stability
Being cross-chain unlocks cross-chain arbitrage of your project's token. If there is ever a price imbalance between chains, your project could buy your token on the cheaper chain, and sell it on the more expensive chain… stabilizing the price between chains while profiting from the arbitrage. This stabilization effect happens naturally - If your project chooses not to arbitrage, then the community will immediately arbitrage too, in both cases, the price is stabilized. Arbitrage will always occur.
Common Misconception:
Your project needs large amounts of liquidity on each chain. Or a project leader is worried about "spreading their liquidity too thin"
For traditional bridging, this is a problem. However, since TBaaS is able to send tokens instantly, liquidity is arbitraged across chains. For example, Assume there is a project, 'Project X' that is on Polygon, Fantom, and Avalanche. Project 'X' has large liquidity pool on Polygon and a smaller liquidity pools on Avalanche and Fantom. If there is a large buy (or sell) on one of the low liquidity pools, it will spike the price of Project X's token for that given transaction on that given chain. However, the spike in price will be arbitraged immediately to the other chains -- equalizing the price on all 3 blockchains. Since the price equalization is instant, that means the small liquidity pool's liquidity resets -- Liquidity resets almost immediately after every transaction. The liquidity can now travel freely between chains and will naturally stabilize (and equalize) the token's price.
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